Employee Opportunities
Current job postings can be found and applied for at the new Alabama K12 Careers portal.
All current job openings for Roanoke City Schools are listed below. Just click on the categories. You may download an application here or, for certified positions, fill it out online. You may then email it to applications@roanokecityschools.org, fax it to 334-246-0265, or send it to our district office at P.O. Box 1367, Roanoke, Alabama 36274 even if there is not an opening. You will need to submit a separate application for each position for which you are applying. It will be rated and kept on file for three years. No applicant will be considered without a completed application. Roanoke City Schools encourages anyone interested in a job to have a current application on file, you never know when a job will become available. If you have any questions, please call Jacqueline Bailey at 334-539-5170 or e-mail her at jbailey@roanokecityschools.org.
To submit applications for certified job postings, please email your completed application and college transcripts to applications@roanokecityschools.org.
Please download and use Adobe Reader to complete the Certified Job Application. Click the image to download Adobe Reader...